Aye Pee - Blackadelic Bundle
This is three acoustic drum kits ran through various vintage gear to obtain that retro coloration then sampled with a variation of articulations with four velocity layers per articulation for more expression.

The sounds in this pack are thick and warm the kicks and snares will hit hard or as soft as you like while still sounding natural and features the full range of a drum kit from kick drum to toms.

Drums come with preset libraries configured for the following hardware/VSTi's and DAW's

  • Akai MPC (1000 / 2500)
  • Akai MPC (2000XL)
  • Akai MPC Renaissance
  • Native Instruments Maschine
  • Native Instruments Kontact
  • Native Instruments Battery

* Please note this is a digital product via a secure instant download, no physical media will be shipped for purchases.

Beats by Ayepee made with the Blackadelic Bundle

MPC 2000XL versions are not multi sampled as that model of MPC does not allow four layers they will also need mute groups setting up. PGM files where created using the second to loudest layer all four layers can be found in the manual wav folder of each kit.

Maschine 2 Kits samples will need to be located once you move them to your library or samples folder this will only need to be done once and machine will remember your location.
